
By students for students.

In the individual departments, we work side by side with the chair team to manage the diverse tasks of the ÖH at the University of Klagenfurt. Each department covers a defined area of responsibility and thus relieves the Chair.
In turn, each unit is managed by a head of unit and supported by clerks. To revitalize the campus, we initiate, coordinate and implement projects and events for students in our respective areas of responsibility. We also advise students and other university staff and work closely with various departments at the University of Klagenfurt and external cooperation institutions.
Would you like to work in an ÖH department as an advisor or administrator?
Then simply get in touch with the department of your choice without obligation or find further information on how to get involved under “ÖH Aktiv”.

Would you like to know more about the tasks of the individual departments?
Then click through the pages below.

Unit for
Antiracism &
anti-capitalist criticism of the system

Unit for
Education policy

Unit for
feminist politics
and equal treatment issues

Unit for
Social and regional policy
and networking

Unit for
international students

Unit for
cultural affairs

Counseling for high school graduates

Unit for
Public relations & information

Unit for

Unit for
Queer & alternative
Life relationships

Unit for
Sport, health & leisure

Unit for
Social policy

Department for Environmental & Climate Policy

Unit for


Room requests for events at the University of Klagenfurt, data sheet for ÖH employees and order form for the printing and binding service and more – on the download page you will find all relevant documents of the ÖH Uni Klagenfurt/Celovec.
So that you can find what you are looking for immediately.